Sweet Surprise: Chocolate Nugget Candy Factory and Champagne & Chocolate Join Forces

Sweet Surprise: Chocolate Nugget Candy Factory and Champagne & Chocolate Join Forces

For the past year and a half, we've been working on a project that is sure to bring more sweet treats and fun events to Northern Nevada, and we're ready for the big reveal...

The Chocolate Nugget Candy Factory and Champagne & Chocolate have teamed up!

As you may know, we have been making tasty quality candy since 1936 at the Chocolate Nugget Candy Factory, and we are now partnering with Champagne & Chocolate – known for their champagne and chocolate pairings, to offer more exciting experiences.

"We are beyond thrilled to be partnering with Champagne & Chocolate," said Eddie Ferience, owner of the Chocolate Nugget Candy Factory. "This partnership allows us to continue to provide our loyal customers with their favorite candies and treats while also expanding our offerings with something for everyone to enjoy.”

Champagne & Chocolate, nested in the beautiful Heavenly Village in South Lake Tahoe, is known for its champagne and chocolate pairings. With this partnership, the public can now enjoy a fun, modern experience while still getting their favorite childhood chocolate from the Chocolate Nugget Candy Factory. The Chocolate Nugget Candy Factory will continue to operate at their two locations in Northern Nevada and offer their classic treats.

"We’re excited to join forces with the Chocolate Nugget Candy Factory and provide our customers with even more unique experiences from brunches to wine tastings and everything in between,” said Cesar Fausto, owner of Champagne & Chocolate. “We’re looking forward to the coming months and the fun events we have planned for everyone to enjoy."

On top of a new website for a better online shopping experience, the Chocolate Nugget Candy Factory is transforming into a top-notch destination for families to unwind, indulge and have a blast. Complete with picnic tables, delicious samples and heavenly hand-dipped ice cream bars, the Chocolate Nugget Candy Factory is turning into the ultimate candy paradise.

With something for everyone, this partnership promises to be a sweet success! 

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