The Magic of Chocolate Making: A Chocolatier's Perspective

The Magic of Chocolate Making: A Chocolatier's Perspective

Hello there, fellow chocolate lovers! My name is Eddie, and I'm a chocolatier and third-generation owner of the Chocolate Nugget Candy Factory. You might be wondering, what the heck is a chocolatier?

Well, let me tell you, it's someone who creates chocolate masterpieces that make your taste buds dance with joy! It takes decades to learn and it’s mastered by only a few. The trend these days is for chocolate boutiques to open up and call themselves chocolatiers. Most of these chocolate shops have taken an online course or short 12 week “how to”. They purchase the recipes, the chocolate, the machines to make it, the plastic molds to form it (that’s why each piece is the same exact shape) and the “marketing” program to promote their chocolate shop. They also sell by the “piece” and not by the weight. This way they are tripling their profits unbeknownst to you the customer. Sad but true. It's not just about melting some chocolate and pouring it into a plastic mold.

It's so much more than that. It's about understanding the cocoa bean, its flavors, and its potential. It's about experimenting with different ingredients and finding the perfect balance. It's about creativity, passion and a little bit of magic. As a true chocolatier, I know that the key to a great chocolate lies in using only the best ingredients. I only use select cocoa with the right amount of cocoa butter to ensure that each bite is perfect.

There's a certain art to mixing salt with sweet and smooth with crunchy, and I take great care to make sure that every piece is just right. Our chocolate is hand cut and prepared….no plastic molds. In the end, being a true chocolatier is about the drive to create something perfect.

It's about using only the very best ingredients and taking the time to create something that will bring joy to who taste it. And that's why I take such great pride in my craft, and in every single piece of chocolate that I create.

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